søndag den 5. februar 2012

Wearable Lime Crime: More youtube video! :D

Yet another youtube video.
This is fun! :D

fredag den 3. februar 2012

Shameless self-promotion

Watch as I embarrass myself on the world wide web.

The New Gothic

You know, even I who is totally blind when it comes to trends and whats going on, etc. etc, have noticed a difference between 70's/80's goth and that of the late 90's and today. It's so goddamn obvious.
So do your self a favour and check it out (; It's good!


I like to fool around with a camera.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I present: My take on 'neo-goth' fashion:
(or you can just call it hipstergoth since that term is used quite a lot for people wearing clothing that does not have black as the base colour - lol you can't like colours and be goth lol)

lol, what do you mean they're not real? hater! 
Totally not fake eyelashes.

Oh, hello, it's just me wearing my grandmother's funeral skirt,
nothing special to see here...

Probably my favorite accessories of all time - Nordic amulets. 
The round one is a sunwheel, got it for my 18th birthday.
The horn-ones I don't really know what represents, I don't even think they're historically correct (I mean, an ankh in medieval Denmark? ;D)
The lady-figure is a fertility-amulet, and the last one, is just a piece of wood my little sister made for me. I like that one the most.
They were all, expect for the one my sister made, bought at the Moesgård Viking Moot, which is mfavorite event of the whole year!
It seriously beats Christmas. And maybe I'm going to be a part of itthis summer (; Imma be a real viking :D I'll just have to do something about the purple hair...
NOT viking.
I'll end this post with some wise words from a friend of mine - written on the backof a painting she made for me (which I will show you soon)

"Destroy the world, before it destroys you."