onsdag den 21. marts 2012

Ligegyldighedens kvælende greb

Mit største problem i det nye år har ikke været julefedme eller en øm januarpung. Ej heller har det været forlængede nytårstømmermænd eller ufuldendte nytårsforsætter. Måske egentlig lidt det sidste alligevel. Som året har skredet frem, og vi nu er i den tredje måned af 2012, har jeg indset, at jeg ikke kommer til at gøre det, jeg sagde til mig selv den 31. december om aftenen: At jeg skulle for helvede tage mig sammen. I kender det sikkert, følelsen af at alting ramler ned om ørerne på én, og der ikke er noget som helst man kan gøre – ofte overreagerer man, oftest ser det hele lidt bedre ud efter en dag, en uge eller to.
Men ikke denne gang. Det er vel egentlig en langsom degenerering der har foregået over de seneste par år.  Mit største problem er slet og ret at jeg ikke kan gøre noget. Det går selvfølgelig værst ud over min skole, med alt for højt fravær, ligeledes stigende skriftligt fravær, og alt jeg kan gøre er at sidde og se på. For det er ikke fordi jeg ikke KAN gøre det – jeg tvivler skam ikke på at jeg har de intellektuelle kapaciteter til gymnasiet. Jeg mangler overhovedet heller ikke viljen – jeg ønsker så brændende at få en studentereksamen at det næsten gør ondt. Problemet er, at jeg ingen anelse har om hvorfor. Jeg aner ikke hvad jeg vil, når det hele er slut – jeg føler mig fremtidsløs. Og det skræmmer mig. Jeg er på ingen måde klar til at kaste mig ud i livet som ansvarlig voksen, der skal klare sig selv, og at der kun er mindre end halvandet år til for mit vedkommende, gør mig så forbandet inaktiv. Det er passiviteten og ligegyldigheden der kvæler ethvert forsøg fra min side på at komme videre – og alle sider fra næsten skriger folk at jeg skal komme i gang, se at få rettet op på det hele – og hvor har de dog ret. Men hvad skal jeg sige til dem? At mit grundlag smuldrede for to år siden, at jeg er så eksistensløs som jeg kan blive – ja, at jeg intet har at leve for. Selvfølgelig er der mennesker jeg elsker og har brug for, og jeg håber da at der er nogen der på sin vis også har brug for mig – men det giver mig ikke et livsgrundlag. Jeg kan ingen større mening se med min eksistens, eller nogen andres for den sags skyld, og det skræmmer mig at det hele skal være så forbandet meningsløst. Hvor jeg dog misunder de religiøse. De har et sted at hente mening.  Som ateist er man nødt til selv at skabe sig dette, og det kan jeg ikke.

onsdag den 7. marts 2012

Chen Man for MAC

Okay, so the last time, I posted something rather old. This though, is the very latest collection from MAC,
and I gotta say, I'm in love again! (det' gas, Martin)

They have smashed their heads together with one of China's most succesfull fashion photographers right now:
Chen Man.
I love the mystique and the lightness of this collection, the colours creates almost a whole fantasy-world in my head when I look at them. Of course it helps that they are working with a photographer ;)

The collection includes:
Naval Blue pigment and Reflects Blue glitter (both are Pro-products)

Breezy Blue and Pinkly Fresh nail lacquer

Budding Love and Force of Love lipsticks

Budding Love and Force of Love lipglasses (I assume they are meant to be used paired with the lipstickks of the same name)

Supersweet, Pink Union and Love Cycle mineral eyeshadows

Waveline and Blacktrack fluidline

A highlighting gloss, Zoom Fast Black Lash mascara and a clear brow set.

I especially love the glitter and the eyeshawdows - I generally just love their Reflects Glitter, but this is truly a beautiful colour. And I love how the eyeshadows look like little yin-yang figures!
My face when I saw it :

So I don't know how I will do it, but I will definitely find a way to lay my hands on that glitter! It's awesome :D Although it has been released earlier, and isn't really a limited editition, I still want it!

Here is some swatches, enjoy!
(Video not by me)

Have a nice day!

Gareth Pugh and the evil mastermind

You probably know the feeling - an artist, author, band, song, whatever, have been lingering in the back of your head for some time (in my case, months) and you finally pull yourself together to check it out - and you're completely blown by the awesomeness of said thing.
This just happened to me and the dear Gareth Pugh. He is a fairly new designer, who graduated in 2003, and have been a favourite in the fashionscene since. He has a very dark and twisted style, with a lot of geometrical structures in his designs.

He also collaborated with MAC and made a makeup collection!
Check it out:

Gotta love the rings <3

Gareth Pugh for MAC

This collection is actually rather old, so forgive me if you are dead-tired of people praising his genius - but really, I couldn't NOT post this.
The collection includes lipstick, lipglasses, a Metal-x Cream eyeshadow, two pigments, a mascara, liners, a blush, a beautypowder, nail lacquers, a bag, a 'square' kabuki... And some lashes.
Oh, the lashes. They are truly extraordinaire, and I find them somewhat the only truly interesting thing about the collection.
How would one ever be able to wear these and get away with it? I have no idea.
But they look wicked!

Other than that, the colours are kept very dark and rather neutral.
I won't list the other products here, since I am sure you are very capable of handling the Google-machine (;

So long!

fredag den 3. februar 2012

Shameless self-promotion

Watch as I embarrass myself on the world wide web.

The New Gothic

You know, even I who is totally blind when it comes to trends and whats going on, etc. etc, have noticed a difference between 70's/80's goth and that of the late 90's and today. It's so goddamn obvious.
So do your self a favour and check it out (; It's good!


I like to fool around with a camera.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I present: My take on 'neo-goth' fashion:
(or you can just call it hipstergoth since that term is used quite a lot for people wearing clothing that does not have black as the base colour - lol you can't like colours and be goth lol)

lol, what do you mean they're not real? hater! 
Totally not fake eyelashes.

Oh, hello, it's just me wearing my grandmother's funeral skirt,
nothing special to see here...

Probably my favorite accessories of all time - Nordic amulets. 
The round one is a sunwheel, got it for my 18th birthday.
The horn-ones I don't really know what represents, I don't even think they're historically correct (I mean, an ankh in medieval Denmark? ;D)
The lady-figure is a fertility-amulet, and the last one, is just a piece of wood my little sister made for me. I like that one the most.
They were all, expect for the one my sister made, bought at the Moesgård Viking Moot, which is mfavorite event of the whole year!
It seriously beats Christmas. And maybe I'm going to be a part of itthis summer (; Imma be a real viking :D I'll just have to do something about the purple hair...
NOT viking.
I'll end this post with some wise words from a friend of mine - written on the backof a painting she made for me (which I will show you soon)

"Destroy the world, before it destroys you."

tirsdag den 31. januar 2012

Septum and skinstruggles: Firstworldproblems!

So yeah, I finally got the long-wanted septum.
I think it looks great! :D Only problem is, it's slighty to the right, which is a darn bad thing for such a precise piercing. I contacted the piercingstudio (Copenhagen Body Extremes - greatly recommended!) and fortunately they offered to make it right again - free of charge (: It's a long way to travel for just the alteration of a piercing (it's on the other side of my country from where I live *expensive sigh*) but I think I can make an adventure out of it, visit some family, old friends etc.

Also, the period of me expecting myself to be allergic to make up is thank heavens over. It's milk! Or at least, that's what I think. It's really annoying, this sudden allergy I've gotten. I swear, the past day (were I haven't worn much make up and haven't eaten/drunken any milk, I've ended up looking like a leper in the face. Whoa.
I feel so ugly T.T And it's annoying that my mood depends so much on how I look.
I didn't think so until this process of first avoiding make up and then swelling up like a red popcorn in the microwave has made me realize that I'm extremely superficial.
Shit, man

Lactose-free hugs from me!