søndag den 2. oktober 2011

Who am I? Who are you? Do you care? NO!

I figured it was a good idea to make a kind of 'introduction' to meself - although I've already rumbled enough through this 'blogging thing' already.

This is me (with a friend - I'm to the left):

But this is also me:

And this is me too:

Okay, maybe that last one was a lie, but I sure as hell would like to be as gorgeous as Mrs. Addams!
I can start with the basics - I'm 18 years old, and I like tea and bats. There's a lot more things that I like as well, but you'r probably going to experience that later. Given of course, that you continue to read my marvelous blog! That would be a great honor (for me)

And the moment I have purple bangs, but since my camera is off duty, I can not take a picture *sob*

On this blog I'll write about my dreams and short stories that I write (mostly in Danish, since that is my native tongue, but I'll try writing in English too), music and stuff that goes on in the world I know.
I sincerely hope that you will join me in this quest for meaning and  knowledge and other silly things, and with these final words, I bid you goodbye - but not for long.

For as the dear gentlemen of Monty Python tells us - Always look on the bright side of life!

1 kommentar:

  1. Monty Pyton og te og flagermus<3 Ps. Min far fucking ELSKER The Addams Family :D
